General Information

How long will my order take?

All orders are custom made at the time your order is placed. Please allow 3-5 business days for production. Some items go out the next day, but this is a safe estimate on a print time. We offer flat rate shipping at checkout.

Please allow 7-10 days to receive your order with standard shipping.

How do I return an item?

Customer satisfaction is very important to us. Please use our Contact Form if you have any issues regarding your order.

We will gladly accept the return of any unused item with the original packaging that was purchased within the last 30 days. Apparel must have the original sticker attached. Items returned that have been clearly worn, washed, or are in otherwise used condition will not be eligible for return.

Do you accept exchanges?

Orders are custom printed at the time your order is placed, therefore we are unable to accept exchanges if the size ordered or product selected was incorrect. Please see the attached sizing chart that is attached to each product listing to confirm that it's the correct fit.

We will work to correct any order that does not meet our quality control expectations. Please use our Contact Form if you have any issues regarding your order.

What if I received a damaged item?

If, in the rare occurrence, you have received a defective item, please reach out to our Customer Service Department with our Contact Form within 30 days of purchase. We will respond with a request to include a photo of your damaged item. You can also email us directly at the thesaltybayco@gmail.com.

How do your sizes run?

Our sizes run true to size, but please see the sizing chart that is attached to each product listing to confirm that it's the right size for you.

Do you offer collaborations?

Please send your information - social media handles, links, and specific details to our Contact Form and we will get back to you.

What are your business hours?

Customer Inquiries will be answered Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm.

Where are your items made?

All items are designed in Fayetteville, AR. We do our best to keep all printing and product sourcing strictly within the US, but some exceptions are made based on product availability.

Quality control

Print providers all all thoroughly tested prior to items being posted for purchase. We personally wash and wear items multiple times to ensure that we only sell items with excellent print quality and durability.